Anjaan is a possibility, a free verse of thoughts, a unbiased feeling and an assumtion that words of an unknown cannot be judged. It's all about being yourself.
Writer and Poet

शायद एहसास में डुबा हूँ, शायद अल्फाज़ में बहता हूँ, थोड़ी दूसरों की सुनता शायद या अपनी बहुत कहता हूँ।

Is it possible to be someone who has no identity? A person who can share his/her thoughts without caring about being judged.Don't you think he/she is a person unbounded by relations. Anjaan is an ideology that doesn't give a second thought about sharing it's belief.

10 poems on paper, 1 book in printing and a million thoughts in pipeline

“To be a poet is a condition, not a profession.”

—Robert Graves, in response to a questionnaire in Horizon, 1946.


Are they just simple writings, or are they some immortal thoughts?


Some of my favourite lines

“He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.”— George Sand

Contact Me

Connect with me to share the feeling of being anjaan
जो महसूस ना हुआ उसे जानोंगे कैसे
मौत को इंसान की परख सिखाओगे कैसे
हारी शौहरत तुमने तो ज्ञान जीत लिया होगा, जो बेच आए आत्मा उन्हें अपनाओगे कैसे
